VDS is patronized to support it's clients in managerial process. We are offering wide band of services at multipanel forum. Main course of activities concentrate on IT solutions, and entail with it are event management and consultancy services.
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Signals from Pakistan's cellular companies reach India

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VDS is launching its own dynamic website
Wireless Power Transmission

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Mr. Zafar Mehmood

Cheif. Executive Officer

"I believe VDS will protrude the company prime philosophy; to achieve excellence in performance. The dynamicity customer need, will engineer a unique position for VDS, in this saturatted industry."

Mrs. Sumbal Khan

Managing Director

"With vast experience of marketing and IT, VDS is determined to present a perfect blend to our valuable clients. We aim to support business by ration innovative ideas and practical solutions, so to help them in marketing whether it is branding or internal marketing. With distinctive approach, VDS offer complete solution, not just a key"

The Team

"VDS believe "it is the team that perform, not individuals" At VDS we have strongly embedded a culture of team working, and this open transom for creative and intellectual work. Every project is countered by a dedicated team, and the results are always up to targets in term of quality, in term of time frame.

Our Inspirations

Nature: world is beautiful creation with best artistry and elemental art work. We inspire nature for creativity, idealism and fantasy.

Human Brain: we inspire people who changed the faith of human kind by exploring the hidden talent of their brain.

History:The time that passes away, is embedded on the pages of history, and no power in the world can change it. We inspire the power of existence .


VDS stands for Visole Digital Solution, is an emerging name that signify customer satisfaction by providing customized solution for their marketing and management practices. And in real case enhancing their business from satisfactory phase to progressive phase..

Our Values

1. Social Responsibilities: we realize the social responsibility that bound every individual and business in a certain defined work pattern. We aim to perform our corporate responsibilities without challenging social responsibilities.

2. Humaniterian Services: we are committed to help suffering humanity in any mean possible. As strongly oppose violation of human rights in every field of life.

3. Employee's Welfare: VDS believe HR is the biggest asset of any company. We believe to cultivate team working in our organization, where every individual in entrusted with define authority and responsibility, and encourage them to explore their talent and excel their abilities.

4. Client Right Protections VDS is determined to justify client rights while delivering any service, we accomplish this by sharing real time information, realizing importance of their time and money, Guiding them in the right direction, and respecting them for their trust.

5. IT Innovations VDS is determined to justify client rights while delivering any service, we accomplish this by sharing real time information, realizing importance of their time and money, Guiding them in the right direction, and respecting them for their trust.

Mission Statement

"Visole digital solution aim to provide and innovate, marketing and managerial tools utilizing latest IT technologies with user friendly interface and flawless backup services, to our valuable clients"

Our Road Signs

VDS follows the defined principles of working, and these are pursued for every project irrespective of its dimension.

1.. Quality of solution: VDS is determined to meet the set criteria of quality working for all our offer services irrespective of time or budget constrain.

2. Commitment: VDS is committed to its commitment. We aim to deliver what we commit to our clients, in term of specified quality of service and time frame.

3. Client Education: VDS briefly educate every client for any of the requested service. Educating client helps in better coordination and execution.

4. Client satisfaction: VDS team is always prompt to satisfy our clients by listening to their need, and serving accordingly. Our job is to satisfy our client by all mean.